Machioni e Braga Advogados
Marcus Elidius

Marcus Elidius


Marcus Elidius Michelli de Almeida, associate consultant, graduated in law from
the PUC/SP Law School. Mr. Almeida has a masters and doctorate in law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), where he is an assistant PHD professor. His education also includes a specialization course in European business law from the European University, Portugal. Mr. Almeida is active in the academic world and has authored a variety of legal works, as well as being a frequent guest panelist examining theses submitted by masters and doctorate students at PUC/SP and São Paulo University (USP). He also lectures at post-graduate courses at a variety of institutions in Brazil, and is a professor at the LLM in Company Law at IBMEC-SP. Marcus Elidius is a member of the commission of the OAB and legal adviser to the Regional Pharmacy Council of the State of São Paulo (Conselho Regional de Farmácia do Estado de São Paulo). He is active in a variety of legal areas, with a focus on bankruptcy law, limited companies, competition law, intellectual property law and consumer law.

Marcus Elidius has published a variety of books:

Cooperativas à luz do Código Civil (Cooperatives Societies in light of the Civil Code) (organizer), published by Quartier Latin, 2006

Comentários ao Código Civil Brasileiro Vol. X (Comments on the Brazilian Civil Code Vol. X) - published by Forense, 2006

Nova Lei de Falências e Recuperação de Empresas (New Law of Bankruptcies and Company Receivership), published by Quartier Latin, 2005

Abuso de Direito e Concorrência Desleal (Abuse of the Law and Unfair Competition), published by Quartier Latin, 2004

Aspectos Jurídicos da Sociedade Limitada (Legal Aspects of Limited Companies), organizer), published by Quartier Latin, 2004

In addition, he has written full articles published in a variety of periodicals, such as Revista do Direito Privado (Private Law Magazine) and the AASP Magazine, as well as university magazines.