Machioni e Braga Advogados
Marcus Elidius

Marcus Elidius


Rita de Cássia Andrade Machioni Pereira dos Santos, graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, with post-graduation in tax and business law. She is one of the partners of Machioni Advogados.

In 1996, she started a specialization course at PUC-São Paulo, which she concluded in 1997 at the Centro de Extensão Universitária (University Extension Center); she post-graduated in business law, “Lato Sensu”, in 2001 from Universidade Paulista – Unip, and attended the post-graduation course of Tax Law “Lato Sensu” in 2009, at Escola Paulista de Direito – EPD.

She holds the position of Adviser for the President of the 6th disciplinary team of the Ethics and Discipline Court of OAB/SP (Brazilian Bar Association-São Paulo Section). She manages the litigation department at Machioni law office.